In this day and age, it has become the general consensus that the larger the breasts on a woman, the more sexually attractive she becomes. However, occasionally, breasts can become too large and disproportional; this can be due to certain pathological conditions or due to genes. If a woman’s breasts become disproportionally large, it can cause physical problems and back pain which can interfere with everyday activities. Besides, the chance of fungal infection in breast crease can be increased. In most cases, excessively large breasts are due to too much fat tissue or glandular tissue.
Breast Reduction Details: In some cases where the cause of the condition is only due to excessive fat, weight reduction or liposuction alone can solve the issue. However, if the problem is caused by excessive glandular tissue, then surgery is required. The procedure involves surgical removal of the excessive glandular tissue and skin, at the same time, the nipple is also moved to its natural position. If necessary, the areola is also resized in order to be proportional to the new size of the breasts. The incision lines may vary depending on the amount of skin and glandular tissue that is needed to be removed.
Breast Reduction Results: Swelling and Bruising will subside within 2-4 weeks and the new shape of the breasts will continue to remodel and improve over 12 months. The scars from the surgery will improve over 2 years. As pressure garment will be required to be worn for 4 weeks after the operation.