Brow Lift

Brow Lift eliminate wrinkle lines Aging on the face usually starts in the regions of the forehead and upper eyelids. A brow lift can eliminate wrinkle lines and other signs of aging in the brow region and on the forehead. Therefore, a brow lift surgery can effectively erase these early signs of aging and restore a youthful appearance.

Brow Lift Details: There are several surgical approaches to this type of procedure:

  1. Endoscopic brow lifts can be performed through multiple incisions behind the hairline, this will minimise scarring and the scars will be well hidden.
  2. Brow lifts can also be performed surgically through an incision followed by skin excision in the temporal area behind the hairline. Another surgical approach is to make an incision through the natural crease of the upper eyelid and thereby performing the procedure from this angle.
  3. When there is excessive skin in the forehead and the hairline is low, brow lifts can be achieved through a wide incision at the top of the scalp. The advantage of this approach is that scar will also be well hidden.
Brow Lift Results: There will be bruising and swelling after the surgery and these normally subside in circa 2-4 weeks. Final results will usually surface within 2-4 months. Scars caused by the surgery will continue to remodel for up to 2 years.
Address : Suite 308, Central Building, 1-3 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong.
Tel : (852) 2868 2184    Fax : (852) 2868 3084    
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